Sticky Note

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ruffled up

Yes, I ruflled up some cakes for my friend's parents anniversary and her SIL's birthday yesterday. Like, literally - but in a good way ;) I wanted to bring something different and fresh to the table this time. No flowers, i thought. So i googled for ideas and decided to try making these pretty ruffle cakes. It looks very vintage and elegant! (I just love it when they tell me to do whatever design i like and let me experience new stuff! <3 and="" buttercream="" chose="" colours.="" do="" don="" go="" in="" it="" just="" me="" p="" pink="" ruffles="" she="" somehow="" t="" the="" think="" to="" together="" told="" you="">
Almost done.. see that cup at the back? He had witnessed some really ugly ruffles in the beginning (it's what i used for practice). They were ruffles, alright. Like really ruffled up! So ugly, I was so panic at the time, but then i realised i should have taken some photos of it just for laughs!

I learned to make the ruffles via youtube, by the way(click here for the video). It's not very complicated once you get the hang of it, all you need is some courage, calm nerves and lots of buttercream! There are so many ways you could dress up the top but since i didn't want to do any flowers, i stuck to the pleats. But you can actually add on rosettes, or pipe a large rose in the centre or whatever. I wasn't courageous enough since i had to make the other cake quite at the last minute and was too worried i would screw up and won't make it in time for the pick up. I'm happy (more like relieved actually) with how it turned out in the end because i really didn't have a backup plan. Hubby was very confident i could pull it off! I shouldn't listen to him so much, just to be safe next time.. -__-"

Pink ruffles close up

I can't get enough of it..

Aerial view

Ok, i'm done now :D

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